活了大半輩子, 總算能在GOOGLE搜出點甚麼出來.
感謝上帝在我生命中的計劃 以及家人的支持和親友的陪伴.
這份自在自足的生命成就感, 是我無法言喻的自豪與自信.
就如 使徒保羅在《聖經》新約腓立比書第3章第13~14節說:
I searched on the keyword, Dengzilaoshi, in google today, eventually i have found some meterials that i don't even know that much records about it at all that gave me a Jaw down surprise.
I searched on the keyword, Dengzilaoshi, in google today, eventually i have found some meterials that i don't even know that much records about it at all that gave me a Jaw down surprise.
Thanks Jesus for leading me to the goal of glory in life, just like Philippians 3:14 , "I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." .
link below lead you to all the photos in google about it ,
the link below brings you to all the videos about Dengzi's teaching story,
link below lead you to all articals about Dengzilaoshi ,